Quick Mid-Week Stress Busters
Happy Wednesday! The week's not over yet. With Valentine's Day yesterday, we hope that you are relaxed and de-stressed. But we know that stress can come fast and high. So here are some quick things you can do to lower your stress level.
Stop and smell the roses.
It's not just a saying, it works. If you're always on the go with a million things to do, little pauses or breaks on your fast track will help you catch your breath and gather yourself. Clear your mind, stretch your legs, roll your shoulders, breathe, and refocus. It will lower your stress and even give you renewed energy.
This is a double tip, remember? Smell the roses. Well, you don't have to smell the roses. Instead, take a moment to look around you and appreciate the beauty in the world. We do prefer smelling the roses or any flower because they add color and vibrancy to our day. But you can grab a cup of coffee or tea, indulge in a piece of chocolate, or listen to your favorite song. That's 3-5 minutes of quick stress busting relaxation right there.
Light a scented candle.
Find a candle with your favorite scent. Pick one that reminds you of a good and calming memory. Maybe it's pine scented because it reminds you of Christmas morning, or chocolate mint because it reminds you of your secret indulgence, or lavender scented like your favorite flower (aromatherapy credits lavender essential oils as calming or soothing). A lighted scented candle fills the room with your favorite scent. It's a little relaxing indulgence that doesn't disrupt your work flow.
Take a bubble bath or exfoliate in the shower.
If you can find the time for a bath, go for it! It will relax your muscles and give your mind a rest. But if you don't have the time, like most of us, take an exfoliating shower. Use a warm body sugar scrub. Not only is it good for your skin, it makes you feel pampered. We like Giovanni Hot Chocolate Sugar Scrub. It just feels oh-so good!
Watch TV or read a book for 30-60 minutes.
The point is to get your mind elsewhere. Catching up on a show or reading another chapter or a magazine can take you to another place, away from your to-do lists, worries, and stresses. Give your mind a break. Take an hour to think about something else.
Or exercise. "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't," Elle Woods (Legally Blonde). They also reduce their stress level.
Hang in there! The week's almost over, but if you think you can't take it anymore. Stop. Take a moment for yourself. Indulge a little. Let your mind stray. Get some endorphins. We hope these quick stress busters can make your mid-week a little better.
Stop and smell the roses.
It's not just a saying, it works. If you're always on the go with a million things to do, little pauses or breaks on your fast track will help you catch your breath and gather yourself. Clear your mind, stretch your legs, roll your shoulders, breathe, and refocus. It will lower your stress and even give you renewed energy.
This is a double tip, remember? Smell the roses. Well, you don't have to smell the roses. Instead, take a moment to look around you and appreciate the beauty in the world. We do prefer smelling the roses or any flower because they add color and vibrancy to our day. But you can grab a cup of coffee or tea, indulge in a piece of chocolate, or listen to your favorite song. That's 3-5 minutes of quick stress busting relaxation right there.
Light a scented candle.
Take a bubble bath or exfoliate in the shower.
Watch TV or read a book for 30-60 minutes.
The point is to get your mind elsewhere. Catching up on a show or reading another chapter or a magazine can take you to another place, away from your to-do lists, worries, and stresses. Give your mind a break. Take an hour to think about something else.
Or exercise. "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't," Elle Woods (Legally Blonde). They also reduce their stress level.
Hang in there! The week's almost over, but if you think you can't take it anymore. Stop. Take a moment for yourself. Indulge a little. Let your mind stray. Get some endorphins. We hope these quick stress busters can make your mid-week a little better.