Nail Tutorial: Compass Nails
We want to apologize for being so silent, especially these past summer months. Life does get busy, doesn't it? But here's an exciting update. There were a lot of marriage proposals among our friends! And two of us are in the same wedding party. Chismosa 1 is the MOH and Chismosa 4 is a bridesmaid. So stay tuned for posts from Chismosa 1 about the things she's learning about helping plan the wedding.
Now for the nail tutorial.
You will need: white nail polish, gold/light brown nail polish, bronze nail polish, matte top coat, basecoat, toothpick or striper, dotting tools
1. Use basecoat to protect your nails.
2. Paint your thumb nail 2 coats of white nail polish. Paint the rest with gold/light brown nail polish.
Now for the nail tutorial.
You will need: white nail polish, gold/light brown nail polish, bronze nail polish, matte top coat, basecoat, toothpick or striper, dotting tools
1. Use basecoat to protect your nails.
2. Paint your thumb nail 2 coats of white nail polish. Paint the rest with gold/light brown nail polish.
3. On your ring finger nail, use toothpick/dotting tool to paint bronze nail polish in a land area shape.
4. On the thumb nail, use toothpick or a striper to draw the compass design.
-paint two semi-circles
-paint the compass arrows
--paint two stripes that will overlap the two semi-circles, make the stripe on the left thicker
--paint two smaller arrows, making the left stripes of the arrows thicker
--paint the letter "N"
5. Finish with the matte topcoat.
The idea is to create the feel of those old maps, and the matte look helps with that.