The Art of Relaxation
People are always searching for a way to relax, wind down, or de-stress. We even pay big bucks for massages, spa treatments, or a trip to Hawaii. But relaxing doesn't have to make a dent on our wallets or even be so complicated.
When I took dance classes, one of the very first things I learned was to find my center or my core. To do that, I had to be very aware of my body and assess where it's at. Do I tend to lean right? Slouch? Stand on one foot? Whatever it was, I had to adjust myself until I found my center. Until I was balanced. When I was balanced, every dance move was easier to execute and I didn't fall flat on my behind.
Just Google "the art of relaxation" and you'll get about 50,800,000 results. But I think there's one very important key to relaxation. Find your center until your life is in balance.
The things we do pull us in different directions. Maybe we put ourselves through too much physical labor. Maybe we are emotionally spent. Spiritually dry. Mentally exhausted. This is life. Different things drain us in different ways.
Be aware and assess your life so you know what you need. And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. For example, maybe you just left the office after a day of back-to-back meetings. You're mentally exhausted. Relax by reading a fun book or catching up on your favorite TV shows. But take a closer look. After those meetings, you might also be physically tired from sitting all day. Yes, that happens, much like how you wake up groggy and tired after oversleeping. So you might also find relaxation by soaking in a hot bath surrounded by candles or with soothing music in the background, or maybe you might find relaxation by playing with your kids, being active and having fun.
When you're spiritually drained, the quick answer is to fill yourself up spiritually. What most people would do is "get more of God" by attending the next church event, reading more chapters in the Bible, or praying longer. But I found that most spiritually drained people are overworked with too much responsibilities and commitments. So when I'm spiritually drained, I don't "get more of God." I step away. I let it all go so that God can get through. See, God can be seen and heard in the smallest things: the eyes of a child, the quiet breeze, and a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12). "Getting more of God" is like looking for God in the earthquake and the fire. But it's too noisy and chaotic there. He's in the gentle whisper where we can clearly hear Him.

Hey chismosa, what do you need in your life right now? What has caused you stress or fatigue? Be aware and assess your life. Balance yourself. Find your center.
When I took dance classes, one of the very first things I learned was to find my center or my core. To do that, I had to be very aware of my body and assess where it's at. Do I tend to lean right? Slouch? Stand on one foot? Whatever it was, I had to adjust myself until I found my center. Until I was balanced. When I was balanced, every dance move was easier to execute and I didn't fall flat on my behind.
Just Google "the art of relaxation" and you'll get about 50,800,000 results. But I think there's one very important key to relaxation. Find your center until your life is in balance.
The things we do pull us in different directions. Maybe we put ourselves through too much physical labor. Maybe we are emotionally spent. Spiritually dry. Mentally exhausted. This is life. Different things drain us in different ways.
Be aware and assess your life so you know what you need. And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. For example, maybe you just left the office after a day of back-to-back meetings. You're mentally exhausted. Relax by reading a fun book or catching up on your favorite TV shows. But take a closer look. After those meetings, you might also be physically tired from sitting all day. Yes, that happens, much like how you wake up groggy and tired after oversleeping. So you might also find relaxation by soaking in a hot bath surrounded by candles or with soothing music in the background, or maybe you might find relaxation by playing with your kids, being active and having fun.
When you're spiritually drained, the quick answer is to fill yourself up spiritually. What most people would do is "get more of God" by attending the next church event, reading more chapters in the Bible, or praying longer. But I found that most spiritually drained people are overworked with too much responsibilities and commitments. So when I'm spiritually drained, I don't "get more of God." I step away. I let it all go so that God can get through. See, God can be seen and heard in the smallest things: the eyes of a child, the quiet breeze, and a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12). "Getting more of God" is like looking for God in the earthquake and the fire. But it's too noisy and chaotic there. He's in the gentle whisper where we can clearly hear Him.

Hey chismosa, what do you need in your life right now? What has caused you stress or fatigue? Be aware and assess your life. Balance yourself. Find your center.