What's In Your Makeup Bag

It's back to school for some of us, and the usual things to prepare include pens, notebooks, and organizers.  But we also prepare our makeup bags.  What beauty or lady products you bring with you everywhere? Here's what's in our makeup bag.

Sometimes we're in a hurry and don't have time to do our makeup, so we keep these 4 things in our makeup bags to help us along.
1. pressed powder to control shine (MAC pressed powder)
2. eyeliner to help make our tired eyes look fierce and awake (Revlon ColorStay)
3. lipgloss for color and that glam feeling (Rock & Republic)
4. mirror to see our faces, duh

We also have
5. fragrance so we smell nice :-) and it helps in the bathroom, just saying (Victoria's Secret, they have many mini fragrances on sale for around $10)
6. mints so our breaths smell nice too :-D
7. tissue, just in case we need it
8. sanitary napkin, also for just in cases
9. chocolate, instant pick-me-up
10. needed medication, that's Benadryl...pesky allergies
11. lotion to keep our skin moisturized and smelling nice :-P
12. Tide To Go pen, because sometimes we're clumsy
13. pepper spray, to keep us safe

But where's our hand sanitizer??? Somewhere easy to reach! In our pockets or on an outside pocket of our purse/bag. When you're suddenly surrounded with so many different people (like in school) and touching different surfaces (doorknobs, desks, chairs, railings, etc), you've got to have your hand sanitizer ready to use.

We've got a Pocketbac Holder from Bath & Body Works. They have really good smelling anti-bacterial hand gels that usually go on sale 5 for $5, and their holders are as cheap as $0.50.

We showed you what's in our makeup bags, tell us what's in yours! What can't you leave home without?


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