Keep Your Friendships Strong

With busy and conflicting schedules, it can be hard to see your friends, no matter how close you are. It's important to find time for your friends, because like any relationship, friendships have to be nurtured. It's not enough to retweet their tweets, or like their posts on Facebook. Social media is great, but face to face time is important. If you want to keep your friendship strong, here three things you can do.

Make a standing date.
Schedule a permanent get together. It can be breakfast every other Wednesday morning at 7am, or a girls night out every Friday night, or grabbing coffee every 3:30pm at the same coffee shop. Whatever it is, make a standing date with your friends and block out that time slot as busy in your calendars.

Get out of the city on 3-day weekends.
Have a mini vacation with your friends. Chances are, most of you have work off on national holidays, especially the ones that make 3-day weekends. Sure, we would want to take advantage of this time to catch up on chores and errands, and some of these weekends are just family time. But some weekends can become mini vacations. You don't even have to go far. Go to a spa, a winery, or a theme park. Go hiking, shopping, or visit museums. Just get out of your city for a change of scenery.

Have a sleepover.
Remember those from your childhood? Who says adults can't have them too? Book a hotel room so nobody has to worry about cleaning up after. Your makeovers are now with nicer products (and you know what you're doing). Your food and drinks are way beyond chips and soda. Your girl talk? Okay, they're probably still about boys, or life. Catch up, have fun, or actually get the much needed sleep you wouldn't get at home.

What's your favorite activity to do with your friends?


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