Most Important Back to School Advice

What is your most important back to school advice?
Chismosas answer from experience.

Ask for professional help when you struggle personally. Many students suffer from depression and anxiety, but most think they're all alone. That's not true! If you're struggling with these types of issues, you need to talk to a counselor or a doctor. If you don't, your academics can and will suffer. But more importantly, your internal suffering won't stop unless you get help.

Get lots of sleep! If that's not possible then buy a really good concealer.

Get enough sleep. A good night's rest can do wonders. You'll not only feel ready to take on the next day, you'll look like it too!

Go to school early on the first day of school so you have time to find your class and be on time. Because I got lost the first day of summer school and I was late :-(


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